
Operations and Firm Overview

Cabinet Lawdéris


February 25, 2022
Creation of Lawderis Avocats, member of the Odéris network: a new player dedicated to transactions

Main publications


Éditions Législatives – Permanent Dictionary of Business Law

-The carrying out of capital increases without preferential subscription rights by public offering is facilitated (L. n°2024-537, June 13, 2024, art. 4)

-Extension and evolution of the “Covid-19” system regarding assemblies, note under Ord. n°2020-1497, December 2 2020 and D. n°2020-1614, December 18 2020, art. 1 to 8, 10 and 12

-Evolution of the “Covid-19” system in terms of assemblies: detailed review of the amending decree, note under D. n°2020-1614, December 18. 2020

-Coronavirus: temporary adaptation of the meeting and deliberation rules of governing bodies, note under Ord. n°2020-321, March 25, 2020

-Coronavirus: temporary adaptation of the rules for meeting and deliberation of assemblies, note under Ord. n°2020-321, March 25, 2020

-Regulated agreements in SAs, draft definitive pact law, May 2019

-Modernization of the preferred shares regime, definitive pact bill, May 2019

Other publications

-Gesellschaftsrecht des Auslands in Einzeldarstellungen (Corporate Laws of the world) / Frankreich, C.H. Beck. Aug 13, 2013


Éditions Législatives – Permanent Dictionary of Business Law

-Transfer to the absorbing party of the criminal liability of the absorbed company in the event of a merger between SARL (Cass. crim., May 22, 2024, n° 23-83.180)

-The DDADUE 2024 law completes the reform of the regime of mergers, demergers and APA, note under Law No. 2024-364, April 22, 2024

-Adaptation of the legal framework for mergers, splits and partial contributions of domestic assets (Ord. n°2023-393, May 24, 2023; Decree n°2023-430 of June 2, 2023)

-The terms of a split cannot be enforced against third parties due to lack of publicity by the split company (, May 11, 2023, n°21-17.644)

-Merger: date of transmission to the absorbing party of the absorbed party’s right to take legal action, note under Cass. com., Nov. 30, 2022, n°20-19.184

-Transfer to the absorbing party of the absorbed party’s criminal liability in the event of fraud, note under Cass. crim., April 13, 2022, n°21-80.653

-The fate of the security in the event of a merger/TUP regulated by the reform of security law, note under Ord. n°2021-1192, September 15, 2021, art. 5: Olympic Games, September 16, 2021

-Transfer to the absorbing party of the criminal liability of the absorbed party in the event of a merger, note under Cass. crim., Nov. 25, 2020, n°18-86.955

-Completion of a TUP during the legally protected period: confirmation of the position of the Ministry of Justice, note under Ord. n°2020-666, June 3, 2020

-Covid-19: carrying out a TUP during the legally protected period, note under Position of the Ministry of Justice, April 14, 2020

Other publications

-Some difficulties raised by merger operations, Rev. Trim. Dr. Fin. n°4, 2012


-Update on the rules regarding “reporting” of interventions carried out in the context of public offers, Rev. Trim. Dr. Fin. n°4, 2015

-Some difficulties raised by merger operations: aspects of stock market law, Rev. Trim. Dr. Fin. n°2, 2014