Privacy Policy


Under article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, users of this site are informed of the identity of the various participants in the context of its creation and its follow-up:
Site owner: Lawderis Avocats – Site creator: Ex Calibra
Legal representative & publication director: Bertrand Araud

Description of services provided

The website aims to present all of the activities of the Lawderis Avocats firm.
The information contained therein is not exhaustive and is subject to change. They are given subject to modifications made since they were put online.

Intellectual property and counterfeits

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
Lawderis Avocats is the sole owner of the intellectual property rights and holds exclusive rights to use all elements accessible on this site: graphic charter, logo, illustrations, graphics, images, texts, etc.
Any reproduction, modification, publication, representation, export or adaptation of this site or its elements, in part or in its entirety, whatever the means or process used, is strictly prohibited, without prior and express authorization from Lawderis Avocats in accordance with in article L 122-4 of the intellectual property code and would constitute an infringement punishable by the provisions of this code.

Photo credits & Graphic design

Photo credits: Daniel Amilhastre and Ex Calibra, all rights reserved
Graphic design: Ex Calibra – Technical creation of the site: Ex Calibra


​Users of the site cannot set up a hypertext link to it without the prior and express authorization of the firm.

Site editing
The site is published by AARPI LAWDERIS AVOCATS – SIREN No. SIREN – 907 971 030 – Address: 30 rue de Gramont 75002 Paris – email:

Site hosting



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